58th RELC International Conference

Re-humanizing, Re-conceptualizing and Re-imagining Language Teaching and Learning for Education 5.0

March 11, 2024 - March 13, 2024 SEAMEO RELC, Singapore

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Please click and download a copy of the Conference Programme (as of 8 March 2024)

Please click and download a copy of the Conference Abstracts


We live in an era of artificial intelligence and digital revolution, marked by Industry 5.0 which places the well-being of the workforce at the centre while using new technologies and tapping creativity and innovation to build a sustainable, human-centric world. With new technologies and innovative learning systems adopted for Education 5.0, our approaches to learning, teaching and assessment need to be re-humanized, re-conceptualized, and re-imagined to cater to the diverse needs and talents of language learners and teaching professionals. Creativity is key to this endeavor, and innovations come to the fore as language professionals strive to educate learners on the responsible use of technology, while enhancing learners’ communicative competency in acquiring future-ready skills for Industry 5.0.

This conference aims to bring into focus creativity and innovations in the language classroom alongside new perspectives and current research in language learning, teaching and assessment for Education 5.0 in the post-pandemic era.


The 58th RELC International Conference has the following aims:  

• To develop a re-humanizing perspective on how new technologies and learning systems have influenced language learning, teaching and assessment for Education 5.0

• To provide academics, researchers, classroom practitioners and education leaders with a forum for sharing current research and practice in language education

• To share creative pedagogies and innovations in language teaching and assessment

• To discuss implications of Education 5.0 for language teacher professional development

Topic Areas

• Re-humanizing language teaching and learning in the age of machines

• Current trends in language teaching and learning for Education 5.0

• Language learning for specific and professional purposes

• Best practices in embracing creativity in curriculum design, materials development and language teaching

• Innovations and new pathways in language education

• Quality language assessment and sustainable learning outcomes

• Innovative approaches to language research

• Implications of Education 5.0 for language teacher professional development

Paper/Workshop Proposals

To all accepted authors and presenters:

Please note that the Conference Programme will be released before 29 February 2024 via email and you can download a copy from this page. All presenter's rooms are equipped with WiFi connection and you are always encouraged to prepare your session 10 minutes before it starts. Thank you!   

Parallel Papers

These are 30-minute formal lecture sessions, including 5 minutes of question time.


These are 50-minute sessions with minimal lecturing. Participants will be engaged in activities that have been carefully structured by the workshop presenters.

Procedure for Submission of Paper/Workshop Proposals

• A 200-250 word abstract with a title not exceeding 15 words should be sent no later than 15 October 2023. Abstracts exceeding the word limit will not be accepted.

• The Conference Planning Committee will inform proposers the results after 15 November 2023. Presenters are required to confirm participation with payment of the registration fees and to register for the conference by 29 February 2024. You may buy a ticket(s) after the notification of abstract/proposal acceptance. For more information pertaining to the registration fees, please click the 'REGISTRATION' link at the top.

• For proposers who are including co-speaker(s), kindly ensure that the email address of the co-speaker(s) is valid and currently in use. Co-speaker(s) must accept the email notification sent to them before the proposal(s) can be reviewed and accepted.

Criteria for Acceptance

All abstracts will be evaluated by the Conference Planning Committee. Relevance to the theme of the Conference and freshness and originality of approach are among the major considerations in the acceptance of papers. The Committee reserves the right to decline paper/workshop proposals without providing reasons.

To All Speakers/Presenters and Participants:
Conference Registration

Please confirm your participation and make payment of the conference fee (i.e. buy a Standard Speaker/Participant Ticket) by 25 December 2023 to enjoy early bird discounts. Please click the link here or https://register.oxfordabstracts.com/event/4726?preview=false to complete the payment. Registration is completed via Oxford Abstracts who is our platform partner for this event. You have the option to pay by credit card.

For Speakers/Presenters, if you are co-presenting the paper with your co-speaker(s), they also have to make payment of the conference fee (i.e. buy a Standard Speaker Ticket) by 29 February 2024. The names of non-registered co-speakers/co-presenters will not be included in the Conference Programme.

Conference Bag Collection

The Conference Registration Counter, Level 1, RELC Building, will be open on the following days for the collection of your conference bag: 

Sunday            10 March from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.  

Monday           11 March from 7.45 a.m. to 8.30 a.m., 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Tuesday          12 March from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 

Wednesday     13 March from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Conference Name Tag

For security reasons, you are requested to produce your conference name tag for admittance to the Auditorium for the Opening Ceremony on 11 March 2024. Please be advised that there may also be additional security checks for bags taken into the Auditorium. In view of these security measures, we encourage you to arrive early on 11 March 2024 to avoid congestion. Please be seated in the Auditorium by 8.45 a.m. for the Opening Ceremony.  

Please ensure that you wear your name tag throughout the conference to enable easy identification for entry to the conference sessions and lunches.

Drinking Water and Lunch

Water dispensing machines are located on Levels 5 and 6. You may also refill hot coffee or tea in your own thermal bottle at Level 1. Halal international buffet lunches will be served at Level 2 and Level 4. From Day 2, in lieu of conference lunch, Muslim presenters/participants may collect packed dinner from the staff on duty at Level 1 after 5.15 p.m. before breaking fast. 

Conference Fee
The registration fee for the 3-day conference is payable by all participants, parallel and workshop presenters and co-presenters. Registration will be confirmed only upon receipt of the conference registration fee, which is non-refundable.

Conference Registration Fees:

– S$530.00 (inclusive of GST paid by 25 December 2023)*
– S$590.00 (inclusive of GST paid from 1 January 2024)

The conference registration fee includes coffee breaks and lunch buffets.

The conference registration fee is non-refundable.

An administrative fee of S$50 (exclusive of GST) will be charged for replacements.

* Please note that registration will be closed from 26 December 2023 to 31 December 2023. Registration will resume on 1 January 2024 and the last day of registration will be on 19 February 2024.

Conference Programme

The detailed conference programme is now available at the RELC website. Please download a copy.


Participants may book hotel accommodation at the RELC International Hotel at www.relcih.com.sg or email to ihreservation@relc.org.sg. Please book early as rooms are limited.

For information, please contact:
The Conference Secretariat

SEAMEO Regional Language Centre
RELC International Hotel
30 Orange Grove Road
Singapore 258352
Phone No.: (65) 68857844 / (65) 68857834
Email: conference@relc.org.sg

Our team will get back to you within 3 business days

Invited Speakers / Featured Speakers

Dr Peter I. De Costa

Professor, Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University

Dr David Gerlach

Professor, University of Wuppertal

Dr Christoph A. Hafner

Associate Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong

Prof Nobuyuki Hino

Professor/Language Section Chair, Institute of General Education, Otemon Gakuin University Professor Emeritus, Osaka University

Prof Tatsuya Nakata

Professor, Rikkyo University

Dr Jonathan Newton

Associate Professor and Programme Director for the Master of Applied Linguistics/TESOL Programmes, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS), Victoria University of Wellington

Mrs Mina Patel

Head of Research: Future of English, British Council

Dr Hayo Reinders

TESOL Professor and Director of Research, Anaheim University, USA, and Professor of Applied Linguistics, KMUTT, Thailand

Dr Willy A. Renandya

Principal Lecturer, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Dr Julio C. Rodriguez

Director, Center for Language & Technology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Dr Ruanni Tupas

Associate Professor, Sociolinguistics in Education, Institute of Education, University College London

Prof Csilla Weninger

Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Dr Bedrettin Yazan

Associate Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr Peter I. De Costa

Professor, Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University

Dr Peter I. De Costa is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. He is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly and the Second Vice-President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL).

Dr David Gerlach

Professor, University of Wuppertal

Dr David Gerlach is a full professor at the University of Wuppertal (Germany). His research and teaching focus on professional development of language teachers, critical pedagogy, and inclusive language teaching. Lately, he has been involved in conceptualizing more critical perspectives for inclusive language teaching and language teacher education in Germany.

Dr Christoph A. Hafner

Associate Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong

Dr Christoph A. Hafner is Associate Professor in the Department of English, City University of Hong Kong. He has published widely on English for specific purposes, digital literacies, and language learning and technology. His latest book is Understanding Digital Literacies: A Practical Introduction (2nd edition) (Routledge, 2021, co-authored with Rodney Jones).

Prof Nobuyuki Hino

Professor/Language Section Chair, Institute of General Education, Otemon Gakuin University Professor Emeritus, Osaka University

Prof Nobuyuki Hino (Ph.D.) is Professor Emeritus at Osaka University, currently serving as Professor/Language Section Chair in the Institute of General Education at Otemon Gakuin University. A pioneer in teaching English as an International Language (EIL), he is best known for his book EIL education for the Expanding Circle (Routledge).

Prof Tatsuya Nakata

Professor, Rikkyo University

Prof Tatsuya Nakata is Professor at College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Japan. His research interests include L2 vocabulary acquisition and computer-assisted language learning. His research has appeared in publications such as Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, and Second Language Research.

Dr Jonathan Newton

Associate Professor and Programme Director for the Master of Applied Linguistics/TESOL Programmes, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS), Victoria University of Wellington

Dr Jonathan Newton is an Associate Professor and Programme Director for the Master of Applied Linguistics/TESOL Programmes at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His research focuses on task-based language teaching (TBLT), teaching listening and speaking, and teaching for intercultural capabilities. See: https://people.wgtn.ac.nz/jonathan.newton

Mrs Mina Patel

Head of Research: Future of English, British Council

Mina Patel is Head of Research – Future of English at the British Council. Mina is co-author of Future of English: Global Perspectives (British Council, 2023). Her academic interests lie in the areas of language assessment literacy, teacher education and development and qualitative research methodology.

Dr Hayo Reinders

TESOL Professor and Director of Research, Anaheim University, USA, and Professor of Applied Linguistics, KMUTT, Thailand

Dr Hayo Reinders (www.innovationinteaching.org) is TESOL Professor and Director of Research at Anaheim University, USA, and Professor of Applied Linguistics at KMUTT in Thailand. He is founder of the global Institute for Teacher Leadership and editor of Innovation in Language Learning & Teaching. He hosts ‘Teachers Talk Tech’, a Cambridge podcast, and his latest book is ‘From Teacher to Leader’, published by Cambridge University Press & Assessment. He is a speaker for the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Dr Willy A. Renandya

Principal Lecturer, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Dr Willy A. Renandya is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches language education courses at the National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore. He has given more than 100 keynote presentations at ELT conferences and published extensively in the area of second language education. He maintains a large teacher professional development forum called Teacher Voices: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teachervoices/

Dr Julio C. Rodriguez

Director, Center for Language & Technology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Dr Julio C Rodriguez is Director of the Center for Language & Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Within the broad area of instructional technology, he is primarily focused on faculty development programs, project-based learning, materials development, and online course design. He is currently leading the implementation of professional learning programs for language instructors, such as a national project to create professional development for online foreign language teachers, the creation of interactive materials as well as the incorporation of e-instructional tools that enable project-based learning into online learning and faculty development contexts.

Dr Ruanni Tupas

Associate Professor, Sociolinguistics in Education, Institute of Education, University College London

Dr Ruanni Tupas is an Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics in Education at the Institute of Education, University College London, where he is also Programme Leader of MA in In-Service TESOL. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language. He has been awarded the combined honorary and lifetime membership by the Linguistic Society of the Philippines for his contributions to applied/sociolinguistics in the country.

Prof Csilla Weninger

Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Prof Csilla Weninger is an Associate Professor and Head of the English Language and Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Singapore where she researches and teaches in the areas of digital media literacy and English language education. She is also a lead Editor of the journal Linguistics and Education.

Dr Bedrettin Yazan

Associate Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr Bedrettin Yazan is Associate Professor in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research focuses on language teacher identity, teacher collaboration, language policy and planning, and world Englishes. Methodologically he is interested in critical autoethnography, narrative inquiry, and qualitative case study.

Prof Shuhei Kadota (representing JACET)

Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University

Dr Woralan Kongpolphrom (representing CULI)

Instructor, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute

Dr Seongyong Lee (representing KATE)

Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo

Dr Grace Lim Jia Wei (representing MELTA)

Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaya
Director of Research and Development, MELTA

Dr Sterling Plata (representing PALT)

Associate Professor, Department of English and Applied Linguistics, De La Salle University

Dr Banchakarn Sameephet (representing ThaiTESOL)

Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University

Ms Panhchaneath Sokheng (representing CamTESOL)

Campus Manager, Australian Centre for Education, IDP Education Cambodia

Prof Motikala Subba Dewan (representing NELTA)

President, Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA)

Prof Peng Wu (representing 21st Century English Education Media, China Daily)

Dean, Professor, Overseas Education College, Jiangsu University

Prof Issy Yuliasri (representing TEFLIN)

Professor, Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)

Prof Shuhei Kadota (representing JACET)

Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University

Dr Shuhei Kadota is Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. His areas of research interest are L2 acquisition and applied linguistics. His recent publications include Shadowing as a Practice in Second Language Acquisition (Routledge, 2019) and Learning of English as a Second language Based on Social Brain Interaction (Taishukan, 2023).

Dr Woralan Kongpolphrom (representing CULI)

Instructor, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute

Dr Woralan Kongpolphrom is an instructor at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute. She obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Birkbeck College, M.A. in English Language Studies and Methods from University of Warwick and B.A from Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Her research interests include classroom discourse, business communication, and corpus linguistics.

Dr Seongyong Lee (representing KATE)

Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo

Seongyong Lee is Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. His research addresses AI in education and Global Englishes. His articles have appeared in Computer Assisted Language Learning, Computers & Education, TESOL Quarterly, Interactive Learning Environments, Education and Information Technologies, ELT Journal, Applied Linguistics Review, and System.

Dr Grace Lim Jia Wei (representing MELTA)

Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaya
Director of Research and Development, MELTA

Dr Grace Lim Jia Wei is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya. She lectures and supervises postgraduates in TESL, with a primary focus on literature pedagogy. Stemming from research on post-secondary Literature in English education, she is also interested in related fields of reader response, reading, and literature in language education.

Dr Sterling Plata (representing PALT)

Associate Professor, Department of English and Applied Linguistics, De La Salle University

Dr Plata is an associate professor at the Department of English and Applied Linguistics at De la Salle University. She is the Vice President of PALT and an Education for Sustainable Development champion. Her research interests include service learning, feedback, growth mindset, Gen AI, and translanguaging.

Dr Banchakarn Sameephet (representing ThaiTESOL)

Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University

Dr Banchakarn Sameephet is a lecturer at Khon Kaen University, serving as the secretary of the Association of English Teachers in Thailand. He holds a PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and focuses on EMI, Translanguaging, and Global Englishes in language teaching.

Ms Panhchaneath Sokheng (representing CamTESOL)

Campus Manager, Australian Centre for Education, IDP Education Cambodia

Ms Panhchaneath Sokheng is a Campus Manager at the Australian Centre for Education as well as, IDP Education Cambodia. She received her Master of TESOL from the University of Auckland and is currently pursuing her IDLTM from the University of Queensland. Her research interest lies in ELT management and organization development, EdTECH and innovation in language teaching.

Prof Motikala Subba Dewan (representing NELTA)

President, Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA)

Prof Motikala Subba Dewan is the NELTA president, Associate Professor, Department Head of English, Ratna Rajyalaxmi Campus, Tribhuvan University, advocate, member of Asian Creative Writing Group. Her research includes TESOL, stylistics, empowering teachers, ELT in the multicultural and multilingual context. Jointly published Language Shift in Newar, and Training Manual for 11-12 Grades, 2022.

Prof Peng Wu (representing 21st Century English Education Media, China Daily)

Dean, Professor, Overseas Education College, Jiangsu University

Prof Peng Wu got his Ph. D. from Leiden University and Doctor of Arts from Zhejiang University. He is now Professor of Foreign Language and Literature and Dean of Overseas Education College at Jiangsu University. His research interests include Pragma-Dialectics, Discourse Studies and (foreign) language education.

Prof Issy Yuliasri (representing TEFLIN)

Professor, Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)

Prof Issy Yuliasri is a professor of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). She currently teaches the Undergraduate and Graduate Students of English Education in the university. Her research interests cover Translation and English Language Teaching (ELT). She has been actively speaking at conferences both in Indonesia and other countries on the topics of translation and ELT. She also gives pre-service and in-service professional development workshops to English teachers all over Indonesia.

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