
The RELC Library

Located on the 4th level of the RELC International Hotel, the Library supports RELC programmes in training, research and development, publications, seminars and other professional activities. It is a special library of resources in language education and research, with a special focus on applied linguistics and the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.

Desired Outcomes

The RELC Library aspires to achieve the following outcomes:

Visitor’s Information

Monday - Thursday : 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM
Friday : 8.30 AM to 5.30PM
First and Third Saturdays of Every Month : 9.00 AM to 12.00 NOON
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays


Level 4
30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352

The RELC Library aspires to achieve the following outcomes:

  • To be a resource-rich space to enable readers/speakers to access language materials and information for life-long learning.
  • To provide seamless access to both physical and digital information.
  • To be inclusive in the sharing of space for a multitude of diverse users who might want to access the library for very different purposes.

Access the RELC Library Online Catalogue.

General Books: Most books may be borrowed for a period of two weeks.

Reference Books: These are for use in the Library only.

Reserve Books: These are marked with a red band on the spine of the book. They may be borrowed overnight by course participants only.

Periodicals: Unbound periodicals, except the latest issues, may be borrowed for 3 days only. Bound periodicals may be borrowed for a period of two weeks.

RELC Theses, Dissertations, Projects and Publications: These may be borrowed for two weeks.

Non-Print Materials: These may be accessed in the Library or borrowed for up to two weeks only.

Renewal of Loans: Loans may be renewed via the Library Catalogue, personally or by email, up to two times, provided the item has not been requested by another person and is not overdue.

Reservations: An item which is out on loan can be reserved at the Circulation Counter or through the Library Catalogue. When it is available, it should be collected within three working days

Recall: Any book may be recalled from loan at any time.

Fines: Fines are payable on items not returned on the date or at the time due

Please note that fines for interlibrary loans are charged at different rates.

All Materials except Reserve Books

All Materials except Reserve Books

S$1.00 (Inclusive of GST) Per Day After Due Date

S$1.50 (Inclusive of GST) per hour or part thereof, after 0900 hours when the book is due

If a book is lost, the member who has borrowed the book has to report it to the Library immediately. Charges need to be paid according to the following table, plus any overdue fines. The cost of replacement for lost books, inclusive of fines and administrative charges, is not refundable. 


Total Charges

Lost item replaced by Library

Administrative Fee of S$32.10 (Inclusive of GST) + Current price of item (Inclusive of GST) + shipping + bank charges (if any)

Lost item replaced by Library member (Library member purchase a new copy for Library)

Administrative Fee of S$32.10 (Inclusive of GST)

If lost item is out of print

Administrative Fee of S$32.10 (Inclusive of GST) + Original price / market price of the item from online dealers (Inclusive of GST) + shipping + bank charges (if any)

Other Self-Service Facilities

The self-service library photocopier is for photocopying and printing of library materials and payment is necessary. The charge per page for the first 10 pages is S$0.15 (Inclusive of GST); the charge per page for the next 10 pages is $0.20 (Inclusive of GST) and the charge per page from the 21st page onwards is $0.35 (Inclusive of GST). Compliance with the Singapore Copyright Act is essential.

Self-service scanning services are also available at an administrative cost of S$0.50 (Inclusive of GST). Compliance with the Singapore Copyright Act is also applicable.

Document Delivery

Photocopy requests of an article may be acceded to, subject to the Copyright Laws of Singapore. The charges are S$10.70 (Inclusive of GST) for the first ten pages, and S$2.15 (Inclusive of GST) for each subsequent ten pages, plus registered airmail delivery charges. The article will only be sent upon receipt of a bank draft of the correct amount in Singapore dollars. Any bank charges levied will be borne by the requester. Please email the request to

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan is S$10.70 (Inclusive of GST) per item for non-reciprocal libraries. Overdue fines of S$1.50 per item per day will be charged to borrowing library if borrowed item is not returned on time. Please email the request to

Note: Payment of below S$25.00 can be by cash or PayNow. Payment above S$25.00 can be by cash, PayNow or credit card.

Joining the RELC Library

Accessing your Library account

Searching the RELC Library Catalogue

Placing reservations

Updating your personal details

Click here to visit our online library catalogue

For more information on library membership or visiting the RELC Library, click here.


Please check out our list of e-resources.